Thursday 14 May 2015

Guy's I Need Your Permission To Digress...

Hey lovlies: how ya'll doing (in kelly osborne's voice) you know she's trying to learn the britsh accent..them American's sef they have serious complex when they are in the company of the british..lool.

Ok lemme go down to business..ya'll know that my blog is all about shoes yeah..alright now the bone of contention is that a someone asked that i put up her friendship relationship ish so she can get advice on what to do from my bv's cos her friend is practically like a mumu for guys....and am like i don't know if my readers will want that..but i will ask them if it's ok by them..

so guy's in the house is it ok if i put up the post?

waniting for ya'll response.


Unknown said...

Ofcourse is ok, we are our brother's keepers. Put it up afterall problem shared is half solved

Zamani said...

Pls do, na only shoe waka come, huh?

Unknown said...

It's fine.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha @rella weldone.
Bring it on, we learn everyday