Friday 7 August 2015

What Are Your Guilty Addictions?

Hey guys i want us to relax a bit and have an interactive section...I've been meaning to ask this question, i guess today was the right time..

I know not many of us would say they are addicted to shoes but if ye say you not, what then are ye addicted to? as for those that will say yes they are addicted to shoes(my Favorite people), what else apart from shoes are you addicted to?

Lemme adjust myself well before i talk...*coughs* aiii.. well for me shoes is my number one love any day anytime..but the truth is that apart from shoes, am also addicted to designer perfumes..geez... i can finish a bottle of 100ml in a week that's why my friends tell me that i don't know how to use perffumes..i spray it like am spraying it's that bad and am trying so hard to learn how to make my perfumes last ...but it's hard..the way i buy shoes on impulse is the same way i buy perfumes on impulse... .

so there you have it..yes i said addicted to shoes and perfumes.. and i think am beginning to like handbags...

Over to you guys...what are you addicted to?

P.S: you can use your perfumes or body sprays as foot and shoe deodorant spray..


naijaflo said...

Hmmmmmm tough one. Used to think i was addicted to shoes until i saw your post on the shoe addict criteria. I am just on the pole. Don't go too far with anything. I think i withdraw a bit when my love for something is getting too much so i don't get too addicted because it's not a healthy feeling. It could be a TV programme like Wendy, the Real or reading magazines.Sometimes its clothes. There's a season for everything. One time i couldn't do without Oprah show or my weavons.

Unknown said...

Glowy stop o why would you like what i also like? Mehnnnn my love for good perf ehen i think I need cooperate deliverance o. Again am addicted to beautiful skin (if there's anything like that)..
Oyah over to the next person.

Unknown said...

Am addicted to collecting thing... I don't believe in throwing thing away just yet cos I might need it.... I eventually need whatever it is after I finally let go. My mum calls me a "trash artist"
pheezy's corner

Alabekee said...

hnnnnm....Alabekee is addicted to Africa Magic. I can glue my eyes to Nollywood movies for hours even till late midnight. May God deliver me

Anonymous said...

Why do we have similar addiction.
I love perfumes. But I don't waste mine like the way you spray your own, I can't be buying expensive perfume every week. Now am using Fendi lacquirossa. I just love smelling good. Apart from perfume I also invest in body spray.
Another one, I love jewellery being bling things. I can't do without my gold chain, I sleep, I eat and bath with it.
I love beautiful dresses
I love bags
And big wristwatch
Oh less I forgot, I am addicted to make up.

Tania Franco said...

My addictions range from coffee, sugar, shopping, really I try very hard not too shop because it's bad for my wallet. Actually too much of anything is not good, so I try to limit or balance my consumption as much as possible. I do treat myself also to keep it balanced, haha!


Unknown said...

I think for me, it's ma phone... though I am presently working on that addiction - the rate at which I press my phone there days have reduced.
My other special addiction is Party RICE... lol, you won't understand.

Unknown said...

I think for me, it's ma phone... though I am presently working on that addiction - the rate at which I press my phone there days have reduced.
My other special addiction is Party RICE... lol, you won't understand.